Monday, May 14, 2007

The Legend of Xbot360


It's been a few days, since my last post, but a lot has happened since then. For the past few days I've been in contact with Mr. Gary Cutlack. Mr. Cutlack is the features editor for the UK "Official Xbox Magazine". His office being in England, our communications were slowed a bit by conflicting time zones. After all was said and done, however, "Xbot360" will be published within the pages of this fine periodical. I am unsure as to the amount of coverage it will receive, but the fact that it's even getting any at all still amazes me.

"Xbot360" will be published in the July issue of the UK OXM, on sale June 7th. Now that I no longer need "Xbot360" to be assembled for photos, and such, I will get back to work on other projects.

- FuseUnison

-Quote of the Post-
"Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think."
- La Bruyere

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